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Charite Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Charite)

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is a non-profit teaching and research institution for medicine and medical sciences and is located at four different sites in Berlin ( Charité is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe and has become one the major beneficiaries in the European Framework Program. The Department of Cardiology at Campus Benjamin Franklin examines and treats the entire spectrum of cardiac diseases with all available modern methods and the respective equipment ( A chest pain unit has also been established. It hosts around 300 employees consisting of more than 50 physicians, 35 technicians, 60 registered nurses, and 25 research staff members. A total of 5200 patients is diagnosed and treated yearly at Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin.

Role in PHOOTONICS: CHARITE will participate in PHOOTONICS project as a hospital, leading the meta-analysis of all the clinical studies and trials (WP7). As an end-user of the project, CHARITE will be also involved in the medical assessment of the PHOOTONICS sensor and in the dissemination of the project results in the medical community. It should be noted that the clinical data analysis will be performed in total compliance with the EU ethics and regulations with regard to the patients’ rights and anonymity.


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